Reading Club Inspires Pupils Throughout our School

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September 25th 2023

A reading club has been established at Great Yarmouth Charter Academy between year 7 and sixth form pupils to help build their confidence in reading. The club aims to encourage pupils to read more and help improve their literacy skills, which are essential for success in later life.

The reading club is run by sixth-formers who have a passion for reading and want to inspire younger pupils to follow in their footsteps. Each week, the club meets to discuss a book and share their thoughts and ideas about the story. 

The club has been an enormous success, with pupils of all ages coming together to share their love of reading. Many of the younger pupils have been inspired by the older students and have started reading more books outside of school. 

One of the key benefits of the club has been the boost in confidence that pupils have gained from participating. Many of the younger pupils have found that they are more confident in their reading abilities and more willing to share their ideas and thoughts. 

The reading club has also helped to build a sense of community within the school, with pupils from different year groups coming together to share their love of literature- especially the gothic genre, inspired by English lessons following texts by Dickens and Shelley.

Overall, the reading club has been a great success and has helped to build confidence in reading among pupils of all ages. It is hoped that the club will continue to grow and inspire more pupils to discover the joy of reading.