A Masterclass in Medicine: Charter Pupils Attended First Aid Training as Part of Duke of Edinburgh Award

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January 18th 2024

As part of earning their Duke of Edinburgh Award, over 100 pupils from Great Yarmouth Charter Academy attended first aid training over the last couple of weeks with the support of St John's Ambulance. The students were taught how to handle injuries such as cuts, sprains, heat stroke, and reactions, as well as basic life-saving techniques. 

The training was conducted on a Friday evening over a series of sessions at the school's premises and was aimed at enabling the pupils to provide immediate assistance in the event of an emergency. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a prestigious honour that recognises young people's achievements in various areas, including physical fitness, community service, and personal development. 

The pupils were enthusiastic about the training, with many expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to learn valuable life skills. One student, Darcy in Year 9, said, "I feel more confident now knowing that I can help someone in need." Another student, Gary in Year 9, added, "The training was interesting and fun, and I'm glad I got the chance to participate." 

St John's Ambulance, which provides first aid and medical services across the UK, has been a long-standing partner of the Duke of Edinburgh Award program. Its volunteers work with schools and youth organisations to provide first aid training to young people, empowering them to be more self-reliant and better equipped to deal with emergencies. 

The pupils who completed the training will now move on to other sections of the Duke of Edinburgh Award program, working towards earning their bronze, silver, or gold award. The school's Duke of Edinburgh team, ably led by Alice Gray,, praised the pupils for their commitment to the program and their willingness to learn new skills. She said, "I'm proud of our students for taking on this challenge and for demonstrating their dedication to helping others. We look forward to seeing them achieve their goals and make a positive difference in their communities." 

The Duke of Edinburgh cohort for 2024 meet each Friday for Bronze, Silver and Gold Award in Year 9, 10 and 12 respectively- and participants are still welcome to apply this term- please see Mrs Gray for further details.